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Funds Benefit UH Students, Faculty, Research & Programs

August 22, 2013

Generous donors gave $66.3M in fiscal year 2013 (7/1/2012 – 6/30/2013) to support University of Hawai‘i students, faculty, research and programs on all ten UH campuses.

“We are very grateful that our active partnership with our Board of Trustees, UH Board of Regents, UH leadership, and faculty and staff on all ten campuses has resulted in another successful year of delivering private investment to enhance opportunities, provide access and create excellence for Hawai‘i,” said Donna Vuchinich, president and CEO, University of Hawai‘i Foundation.

The chart below shows the areas donors chose to support when making their gifts

99% of gifts raised are donor-directed.
This means that donors decide how and where their gifts are used


Chart below shows where the $66.3M in cash, pledges & bequest intentions came from

Donna Vuchinich added, “The donors we work with are inspired, strategic philanthropists. We are humbled and grateful for their generosity, and know that the investments they have made in students and programs on all 10 UH campuses will make a positive and lasting impact.”

Vuchinich continued, “The University of Hawai‘i touches all of our lives, and the individuals, corporations and foundations that partner with us are collectively helping us build a better Hawai‘i. Mahalo!”

Watch short videos and read moving stories that highlight the impact private support makes:

Impact Videos

Impact Stories

If you would like to learn how you can support UH students and programs like this, please contact us at 808-956-8700 or send us a message.