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$50,000 Grant Works to Stimulate Alumni Giving and Raise Profile of UH Annual Giving Program

Honolulu, Hawaiʻi -In an effort to encourage increased giving to the University of Hawaiʻi by its alumni, the McInerny Foundation recently renewed its Match Program with a grant of $50,000 to the university through the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation (UHF). The goal of the grant is to encourage first-time alumni donors to give and established alumni donors to increase their giving, with the goal of significantly expanding fundraising levels to the university.

"We are extremely grateful to the McInerny Foundation, not only for the previous support we've received with its Match Program, but for renewing its commitment again this year," said UH Foundation President Betsy Sloane. "The incentive to give that is promoted by the McInerny Match is an invaluable tool to stimulate alumni giving, and just as importantly, generate alumni interest in reconnecting with the university and learning more about the growth and excellence that continues on here."

The McInerny Match Program encourages alumni giving by matching gifts -up to $100 -from alumni who have never given to the university. The program also supports increased giving by established alumni donors by matching gifts that are up to $100 more than the most recent gift made by an alumnus. Alumni choose which campus and/or program they want to fund with matching gifts made to that same campus and/or program.

Over the past four years, since the first McInerny Match was launched more than 7,500 first-time alumni donors have risen to the challenge, increasing contributions to nearly every campus, program and department throughout the state.

More than $245,000 has been raised among first-time alumni whose gifts were eligible to be matched. Combined with the $140,000 in matching funds from the McInerny Foundation, a total of nearly $400,000 has been raised.

Alumni participation is also at an all-time high with a 12 percent participation for the university system and a 15 percent participation rate for UH Mānoa.

Commented Kevin Takamori, associate vice president of alumni relations, "These figures demonstrate that our alumni recognize the importance of higher education, value the education they received at the University of Hawaiʻi and are willing to support this belief with a commitment of their own financial resources.

"Alumni are one of our most important constituencies because they are instrumental in promoting our reputation as a world class institution. In terms of fund raising, recruiting the best students, and maintaining a first-rate faculty and infrastructure, building a strong base of alumni support is critical to the future success of the university," he added.

The UH Foundation is promoting the McInerny Match through direct-mail and calling campaigns. University of Hawaiʻi students at the Foundation's student calling center are making phone calls to alumni to request a gift and present the matching opportunity made available by the McInerny Foundation.

FOR UH • FOR HAWAIʻI, The Campaign for the University of Hawaiʻi, is focused on raising $1 billion to support UH priorities on all 10 campuses across the state, including student success; research that matters; kuleana to Native Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi; sustainability, resilience and conservation; innovation and entrepreneurship; building Hawaiʻi’s workforce; and engaging our community. Learn more at

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About the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation. The University of Hawaiʻi Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization whose purpose is to raise funds according to priorities determined by the academic leadership of the University of Hawaiʻi. Founded in 1955, the UH Foundation provides a full range of fund raising and alumni relations services for all 10 UH campuses, providing leadership and implementation of UH's private fund raising efforts. For more information on the UH Foundation, visit