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Rose & Raymond Tseng Distinguished Lecture Series

October 16, 2012
  • Rose & Ray Tseng

“While pursuing my PhD in nutritional sciences, I found that many of the students had very poor backgrounds. Many were immigrants, many were what we called ‘boat people” from Vietnam who came to California to find a better life. Some were very, very poor. But I noticed that once people had access to education, they went on to become very successful in their chosen professions. I noticed that the local economy grew because of these hard-working people. I began to see the linkages between education and community building, and how important those ties are.”

— Rose Tseng

For 12 years, Chancellor Rose Tseng worked with students, faculty, staff and community members to make UH Hilo a 21st century model of higher education and an engine for social, cultural and economic progress. Upon stepping down in 2010, Rose and her husband Ray created an endowment to ensure that her vision and work continues.

Their gift of $100,000 established the Rose and Raymond Tseng Distinguished Lecture Series at UH Hilo. This endowment funds visits by leaders from various sectors from across the world to deliver presentations on topics like international women's leadership, science and culture, indigenous culture and languages.

These lectures add another international dimension to UH Hilo’s programs and further stimulate global linkages with Hawai‘i.

If you would like to learn how you can support UH students and programs like this, please contact us at 808-956-8700 or send us a message.