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(Honolulu, Hawaiʻi) — The first day on the job for Hawaiʻi's new medical school dean was better than he could have possibly expected. Task number one was an event where he met several students who plan to serve the community here in the Islands when they complete their studies at the John A. Burns School of Medicine.

Island philanthropists Barry and Virginia Weinman opened their Oʻahu home to seven students and their families, so they could meet each other and welcome the new Dean, Dr. Jerris Hedges, and University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Chancellor Virginia Hinshaw.

The students have the freedom to follow their hearts — and practice community medicine here at home — because of the generosity of the Weinmans. Their entire medical education is being paid for, so that they won't be forced to choose more lucrative medical practices to pay off their education bills.

"The scholarship means so much to me because it frees me to choose my career and specialty without the nagging burden of immense financial debt," said Weinman Fellow Brandon Au. "It frees me to choose based more on what inspires me, rather than financial/economic needs & obligations. Of course, I would hope that I would choose the former route anyway, but the reality of the matter is that without the scholarship, finances would likely play a much bigger role in choosing my career and specialty."

The Weinmans have made a one million dollar commitment to fund expenses for a total of ten students. The initial three students were chosen last year, with four more students added this year. Three more Weinman Fellows will be selected among the medical school's incoming class this summer.

"A doctor is one of the greatest assets in a community," said Barry Weinman, explaining the couple's motivation. "Encouraging future physicians to stay in our Islands not only strengthens the medical profession and quality of care, it helps improve the quality of life in Hawaiʻi."

The 2008 Weinman Fellows are Brandon Au, a Punahou School graduate, Casey Kaneshiro, a graduate of Iolani School, Kambrie Kato, a graduate of Hawaiʻi Baptist Academy, and Alyson Tamamoto. They join 2007 Fellows Joshua Hvidding, Iolani graduate, Kristine Layugan, of Moanalua High School and Bradlee Sako of Leilehua High School.

"The Weinman Fellowship means much more to me than financial support," said 2008 Weinman Fellow Kambrie Kato. "It reminds me that there are people who believe in me and my potential. It gives me an extra push to always try my best, and for all of that I am truly grateful."

The 2007 Weinman Fellows, now in their second year of medical school, have already begun planning their futures in community medicine. Hvidding, who also studied at Vanderbilt, Yale and the University of San Francisco, plans to set up a practice in his home town of Waiʻanae. Sako, a Regent Scholar during his undergraduate education at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, intends to practice primary care medicine in Waipahu, where he grew up. And Layugan, whose undergraduate degree is from Hawaiʻi Pacific University, plans to serve Hawaiʻi's immigrant population.

"The Weinman scholarship, which has been one of the greatest blessings in my life, will allow me to obtain excellent medical training at JABSOM," said Layugan. "With that training, I will be able to practice in Hawaii as a primary care physician for both the local and immigrant communities."

Barry Weinman is a Honolulu-based venture capitalist. He is the Co-Founder and Chairman of Dragon Bridge Capital, and Co-Founder and Managing Director of Allegis Capital. Virginia Weinman is Founder of, a multi-media company. Both have a long history of public service. Barry Weinman is a University of Hawaiʻi Foundation trustee, and chair of its investment committee. Virginia is a UH Centennial Campaign Cabinet member and formerly served on the federal advisory committee for trade negotiations during the Reagan Administration.

FOR UH • FOR HAWAIʻI, The Campaign for the University of Hawaiʻi, is focused on raising $1 billion to support UH priorities on all 10 campuses across the state, including student success; research that matters; kuleana to Native Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi; sustainability, resilience and conservation; innovation and entrepreneurship; building Hawaiʻi’s workforce; and engaging our community. Learn more at

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The University of Hawaiʻi Foundation, a nonprofit organization, raises private funds to support the University of Hawaiʻi System. The mission of the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation is to unite donors' passions with the University of Hawaiʻi’s aspirations by raising philanthropic support and managing private investments to benefit UH, the people of Hawaiʻi and our future generations