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(Honolulu, Hawaiʻi) — Surpassing all expectations, the University of Hawaiʻi Centennial Campaign, led by the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation, has raised $282 million in cash and pledges against a goal of $250 million. An additional $54 million in bequest intentions was also raised, bringing the grand total to $336 million. This concludes the most ambitious fundraising campaign to date in the state of Hawaiʻi. The campaign officially ended June 30, 2009.

"By building on the earlier Comprehensive Campaign, we have partnered with friends and supporters of our 10 campuses to build a legacy that will help position the University of Hawaiʻi for success in this highly competitive world," said Donna Vuchinich, president and CEO, University of Hawaiʻi Foundation. "We are humbled by and grateful for the opportunity to carefully steward the investment our donors have made in our state's future," said Vuchinich.

Through the success of the Centennial Campaign, student access to higher education is enhanced; research projects whose findings may result in critical healthcare, environmental and other key breakthroughs is supported; programs for our community are developed; and the everyday experience of our students throughout our 10 campuses is enhanced.

"The resounding success of the Centennial Campaign is testament to the commitment of our community to support our university's aspirations for the benefit of our state and beyond," said Barry Weinman, chair of the UH Foundation Board of Trustees. "Students, faculty and engaged community members are already benefiting from the impact of the campaign." He concluded, "This historic feat during especially challenging economic times was possible thanks to the support of the Board of Regents, UH President David McClain, and the skillful and engaged volunteer leaders on the UHF Board of Trustees, led by former Chairs Scott Wo, Faye Kurren and Howard Karr, donors, faculty and friends. Mahalo to each of you who made this goal a reality."

Centennial Campaign Summary

Actual cash and pledges raised: $282 million
Bequest intentions: $54 million
Campaign grand total: $336 million
Number of donors: over 93,000
Campus Campaign Results
UH Mānoa $205.8 million
UH Hilo $15.4 million
UH West Oahu $1.5 million
Community Colleges $31.9 million
System-wide Support $27.1 million
Donors to the Centennial Campaign by Region
Hawaiʻi 70%
California 12%
US — other 16%
International 2%


Campaign gifts have supported key UH priorities

"This is only the beginning of our efforts partnering with the university as it enters its 2nd century educating and building the workforce for our state," said Donna Vuchinich. "It's very clear that the need for private support for our public universities during these challenging economic times remains great. The UH Foundation is committed to working hard and leveraging the momentum created through the Centennial Campaign to help our university and students fulfill their potential."

FOR UH • FOR HAWAIʻI, The Campaign for the University of Hawaiʻi, is focused on raising $1 billion to support UH priorities on all 10 campuses across the state, including student success; research that matters; kuleana to Native Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi; sustainability, resilience and conservation; innovation and entrepreneurship; building Hawaiʻi’s workforce; and engaging our community. Learn more at

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The University of Hawaiʻi Foundation, a nonprofit organization, raises private funds to support the University of Hawaiʻi System. The mission of the University of Hawaiʻi Foundation is to unite donors' passions with the University of Hawaiʻi’s aspirations by raising philanthropic support and managing private investments to benefit UH, the people of Hawaiʻi and our future generations