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University of Hawaiʻi — The University of Hawaiʻi Foundation and Maui Community College have announced a gift of $1,500,000, the largest gift ever received by UH - Maui CC. The gift from a local Maui resident will create web-enhanced classrooms and new learning experiences.

The donor seeks to help the college transform and elevate UH - Maui CC's student access to computing, the world-wide web, web-based content and internet services. Key to student access and eventual success will be faculty preparation, curricular redesign and strengthened infrastructure to take advantage of a netbook, notebook or laptop distribution strategy. Nationally-renowned for its laptop distribution initiative, Seton Hall University has been selected to help faculty shape this plan.

Chancellor Sakamoto expressed deep gratitude, "This extraordinary and generous investment will accelerate our academic transformation to permit more students access to greater success. With our faculty's leadership, this gift will ensure that the web and computing tools available at many colleges and universities elsewhere will now be available in Maui County."

The plan will begin with pilot program majors that will participate in this groundbreaking initiative. It will also enlist and invest in English and Math faculty committed to improving developmental student performance at UH - Maui CC. Faculty engaged and interested in this project will start this summer in course and curricular redesign to take advantage of the basic first but eventual ubiquitous network access planned for all students. The donor will be provided with a plan, benchmarks and ongoing reports of the project's progress to design a sustainable solution for providing all students with access to web and computing resources.

FOR UH • FOR HAWAIʻI, The Campaign for the University of Hawaiʻi, is focused on raising $1 billion to support UH priorities on all 10 campuses across the state, including student success; research that matters; kuleana to Native Hawaiians and Hawaiʻi; sustainability, resilience and conservation; innovation and entrepreneurship; building Hawaiʻi’s workforce; and engaging our community. Learn more at

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The University of Hawaiʻi Foundation Mission: The University of Hawaiʻi Foundation, a nonprofit organization, raises private funds to support the University of Hawaiʻi System. Our mission is to unite our donors' passions with the University of Hawaiʻi's aspirations to benefit the people of Hawaiʻi and beyond. We do this by raising private philanthropic support, managing private investments and nurturing donor and alumni relationships. Please visit

The Centennial Campaign is an historic private fundraising initiative to raise $250 million to support the University of Hawaiʻi's commitment to our students, our community and our world. For more information about the Centennial Campaign, please visit

Maui Community College is a learning-centered institution that provides affordable, high quality credit and non-credit educational opportunities to a diverse community of lifelong learners. Established in 1966 to serve the local island community, MCC has expanded its vision globally and graduated students from all walks of life.