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No major university can grow and excel without a healthy mix of public and private funds. Private contributions leverage public funds and maximize taxpayer dollars. Through partnering with philanthropic investors, our university can sustain excellence and enhance the student experience, making our campuses learning destinations of choice.

Many of the donors who give major gifts to the University of Hawaiʻi do so to support a program, school, or area of study that they believe in. Without exception, their gift has a major impact on our students, faculty and campus community as a whole.

Chemistry professor’s wish for students: Joy, not drudgery
“The object of life is to do no work,” Seff said. “I’ve had minimum drudgery and an awful lot of joy."
Crankstart scholarship helps mom achieve degree goals
The Crankstart Foundation Re-entry Scholarship is designed for working adults who've been out of high school for a few, or many, years.
Loving Leeward CC — all the way from Na‘alehu
Many folks who live in isolated districts of Hawai‘i don't realize they can get the same education without impractical expenses of transportation and time.
Grateful alum supports pre-nursing at UH West Oʻahu
Deborah Olson is giving back and helping equip the UHWO pre-nursing program with what it needs to provide an outstanding educational experience to our future nurses.
AI legislative advocacy focus of law students’ visit to D.C.
With artificial intelligence a hot topic in the news and AI technologies rapidly proliferating, there is an urgent need for legal experts to help navigate tech policy needs and the legal ramifications along these new frontiers.
Q&A with Dr. Erika Noel, director of JABSOM’s Kauaʻi Medical Training Track
Dr. Erika Noel is the Kauaʻi director of the Kauaʻi Medical Training Track, established with a $10 million gift last year from Dr. Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg.
After 10 years in accounting, I'm ready for college
My children are the reason I want to succeed in school. I had my oldest when I was 16 years old and did not think I would ever go to college. I am doing this for them.
New lab honors beloved grad
“Tom would have admitted the days of working in individual cubicles in front of dimly lit computer screens was a feature of the past, where individual effort was the norm."
Why I traveled 4,000 miles to attend UH Mānoa
I truly appreciate the recognition of my work. With this award, I aim to promote marine stewardship to visitors all over the world. This award reassures me of my purpose to protect our natural environment.