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No major university can grow and excel without a healthy mix of public and private funds. Private contributions leverage public funds and maximize taxpayer dollars. Through partnering with philanthropic investors, our university can sustain excellence and enhance the student experience, making our campuses learning destinations of choice.

Many of the donors who give major gifts to the University of Hawaiʻi do so to support a program, school, or area of study that they believe in. Without exception, their gift has a major impact on our students, faculty and campus community as a whole.

Transforming Education in Hawai‘i and Abroad

The newly-established Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education uses an innovative approach to teach philosophy to Hawai‘i children. 

GoFarm Hawaiʻi grows new farmers

Exciting updates from GoFarm Hawaiʻi, a UH program growing something extremely vital for Hawaiʻi — commercial farmers.

Retirement Hobby Helps Botany Program

Dr. Daniel Palmer’s donation of more than 2,700 fern specimens to the UH botanical specimen repository will help broaden our knowledge of Hawai‘i’s ferns.

Saving the past for the future

‘Ulu‘ulu is rescuing the precious memories captured of our state’s history on film and tape from certain deterioration and obsolescence.

Helen Hites Scholarship: A Love Story

The story of the Helen Hites Scholarship is a love story. Nothing displays the power of love more poignantly than this family’s response to a terrible tragedy.

Fun Factory: A Generation of Support

For each of the past 25 years, Fun Factory has helped fund a year’s study at a UH campus for 20 students. Meet two of the 500 recipients.

Celebrating the Strength of Single Parents

Jill Abbott so admired the strength and resilience of the single parents she taught at Kapi‘olani CC, she created a scholarship to help similar students.

Discovery Channel Touts UH “Jellyfish Lady”

The Jellyfish Lady. That’s what the Discovery Channel calls Dr. Angel Yanagihara of JABSOM. Learn about her research and an ointment she calls “the sting stopper.”

Dieter and Annette Mueller-Dombois

Together, they have made a bequest to the University of Hawai‘i. The Dieter and Annette Mueller-Dombois Endowed Fellowship will be established from a portion of their estate. As stated in the gift agreement, this fellowship will fund "graduate or post-doctoral research at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Natural Sciences, Department of Botany in the area of island ecosystems and vegetation ecology."