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For more than a century, the University of Hawaiʻi has worked hard to make higher education accessible to all. Whether through one of the seven community college campuses or one of the three four-year campuses, UH is expanding its efforts to attract the most promising students, regardless of their financial circumstances.

As college costs continue to rise, the amount of private support for students must as well. Gifts to scholarships and student aid help us to retain our best and brightest and to provide access to a life-changing higher education experience for our students.

First Waiʿaleʿale Student to Earn BA

Non-college-bound students like Thomas are graduating from college, pursuing dreams, and on track to live longer thanks to an innovative program.

Student-athlete: Scholarships Matter

Watching her divorced parents both struggle while working two jobs ignited Char’s determination to do her best. Today, she is an inspiration to others. Read her story.

Lives Well-Lived

A remarkable journey that involved historical leaders from China and Hawai‘i forms the colorful backdrop to UH alumni Chee Kwon and Sau Chun Wong’s philanthropy.