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For more than a century, the University of Hawaiʻi has worked hard to make higher education accessible to all. Whether through one of the seven community college campuses or one of the three four-year campuses, UH is expanding its efforts to attract the most promising students, regardless of their financial circumstances.

As college costs continue to rise, the amount of private support for students must as well. Gifts to scholarships and student aid help us to retain our best and brightest and to provide access to a life-changing higher education experience for our students.

Randy and Jean Jaycox

"We want to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, and we thought Windward was a great place to do it," said Randy Jaycox. "We believe strongly that education is the key for people to go places and do things."

Hawaiian Music Education Comes Full Circle

Hapa-haole Hawaiian music connoisseurs Nancy Gustafsson-Rittenband and her husband Victor Rittenband wrote songs that encouraged listeners to think of Hawaiian music on a deeper level.

442nd Veteran Supports UH Athletics

For 97-year-old Jitsumi Yamakawa, watching University of Hawai‘i sports is more than pastime; it’s an integral part of his daily routine. Everything from football to golf, live broadcast to 20-year-old game, Yamakawa (also known as “Uncle Joe”) tunes in to all things UH sports.