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No major university can grow and excel without a healthy mix of public and private funds. Private contributions leverage public funds and maximize taxpayer dollars. Through partnering with philanthropic investors, our university can sustain excellence and enhance the student experience, making our campuses learning destinations of choice.

Many of the donors who give major gifts to the University of Hawaiʻi do so to support a program, school, or area of study that they believe in. Without exception, their gift has a major impact on our students, faculty and campus community as a whole.

Poetic justice: New Hawaiian Studies chair honors poet & activist

The poet, Hawaiian rights advocate and environmental activist worked for decades to honor and protect Hawaiian burial sites and culturally-important locations when planned development threatened access for Native Hawaiians and the public.

Remembering a special mom

Mitzi Nakata Fuke was born and grew up in McGerrow Camp, Pu'unene, Maui. She was a smart woman who made the most of the limited schooling she had. She genuinely loved people and extended her own gracious hospitality to offer food to guests, even in hard times.

With support, Hawai‘i CC–Pālamanui graduate juggled 5 keiki and college

Kapua Kaulia thanks family, Hawaiʻi CC and community for helping earn an associate’s degree.

Focusing on the journey ahead

Your gracious act of giving goes noticed by all of us who are struggling during this challenging time. Thank you to all the donors who are helping me continue focusing on my academic journey.

Urgent relief when we needed it most

I was working two jobs, both in the restaurant/cafe industry, so when news of the stay at home order came in, and more and more cases of COVID were found, I was laid off of both jobs because they could not financially support the staff.

Light, hope and relief for taro farmer

My dreams and plans for the future is to have all my fields planted at both of my farms, and able to harvest steadily all year long. I want to provide fresh produce to my mainstream wholesale distributors as well as local franchises.

Shifting sands for turtle rescuer

COVID-19 has completely cut out my tasks at work leaving me with no income for my summer school tuition.

Student discovers hope in midst of stress

I kept asking myself, how would I survive during this time of crisis. How would I be able to pay for my phone bills, groceries, rent, and on top of that, how can I pay for school?

Lifelong learner offered gifts of dragonfruit, friendship, education

Donald took classes in cinema, history, art, politics, cuisine, and science, and in 2001 taught a special course, “Donald’s Excellent Adventures in Vietnam.”