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No major university can grow and excel without a healthy mix of public and private funds. Private contributions leverage public funds and maximize taxpayer dollars. Through partnering with philanthropic investors, our university can sustain excellence and enhance the student experience, making our campuses learning destinations of choice.

Many of the donors who give major gifts to the University of Hawaiʻi do so to support a program, school, or area of study that they believe in. Without exception, their gift has a major impact on our students, faculty and campus community as a whole.

Looking ahead, despite rough start on 2nd BA

A small contribution might not seem like it makes a difference, but for folks like me who are out of work, … this means I get to keep the lights on and have my belly full.

Indigenous Innovation to create (K)new Futures

Nine students from 4 UH campuses completed the inaugural cohort of the University of Hawaiʻi’s (K)new Futures Challenge this April.

“It’s true: We are all in this together”

Davelin lost one of her two jobs and is trying to get by on a reduced income. Help from the Urgent Student Relief Fund is easing her stress and anxiety.

Plot turns for aspiring author at Hawai‘i CC

This past month has been the most unforeseen second half of a first semester starting college I could imagine. Although, I'm sure it will provide much inspiration for stories as I develop my career as an author.

Arigatō, gracias, xièxiè, salamat, mahalo!

Mary is thankful for support from the student relief fund, and to all who are helping her through this time.

“I’m almost there!”

McKenna is close to the finish line and needed a little help to stay on track.

International students hit especially hard by crisis

When the crisis hit, the financial support Mohammad had been receiving from his family evaporated because of the lockdowns.

Hilo mom of 4 chooses optimism over fear

“It’s so wonderful to see the community coming together to support each other to get through this, and I have no doubt that we will.” 

Mom of 5 finds hope

I was working full-time and going to school full-time when this pandemic hit. My kids’ school closed and it was a matter of my kids’ health over working. What to do?