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No major university can grow and excel without a healthy mix of public and private funds. Private contributions leverage public funds and maximize taxpayer dollars. Through partnering with philanthropic investors, our university can sustain excellence and enhance the student experience, making our campuses learning destinations of choice.

Many of the donors who give major gifts to the University of Hawaiʻi do so to support a program, school, or area of study that they believe in. Without exception, their gift has a major impact on our students, faculty and campus community as a whole.

Missionary’s prayers answered

I needed the urgent relief funds because it's difficult to find money in my situation to pay for my college fees.

Kapi‘olani CC helps to feed hungry keiki

The Kapiʻolani CC culinary arts program is producing 1,200 meals a day to feed needy children on Oʻahu.

Math major calculates how to make ends meet

Completing his college education has been hindered by financial setbacks. Wong’s hours as a student tutor at Windward Community College were drastically cut back after COVID-19 precautionary measures were put into place.

Love is for the Birds

During a long flight from Hawai‘i, Dr. Linday Young and 1996 ARCS Scholar Dr. Eric VanderWerf began talking about how environmental scientists could work in ways that complement governmental agencies.

Federal closures disrupt international graduate student’s life

As an international student, I have a documentation process that I need to go through. This includes getting a Social Security Number. However, all Social Security Offices are closed temporarily and I am not able to apply.

Loss of job after eight years can’t dim architecture student’s light

Her schooling was thrown into disarray, but despite feelings of vulnerability, Rebekah remains thankful for distance learning and continued studies.

UHWO business major mom is ready to fulfill her dreams

When this COVID-19 crisis began, I really tried to keep it all together, not knowing how bad the situation would turn out.

Worried about entire family

My greatest concern is that we won’t have enough money to pay rent or get kicked out on the streets. I have always wanted to be in a career where I can help others. I am currently trying to become a high school counselor. I want to be able to change students’ lives and hopefully make them realize that if I can reach my dreams, so can they.

Kauaʻi student loses job as an entertainer in the visitor industry

When she lost her job as a part-time entertainer in Kauaʻi's visitor industry, Tia didn't know how she would cover her rent, utility bills, and necessities for schooling.  UH emergency relief allows her to continue her education in pursuit of opening her own dance studio.